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Science: one of the army of our country

⚔️🔬 Science 🔬⚔️         The importance of science is well known today. Science is not just limited branch, it is very wide branch and extend study of the basics of science makes a new branch of science. For example, Biology is branch in which the study of living being occurred,  Chemistry the study of chemical, Microbiology the study of microorganisms, cell biology the study of all types of cell....etc....etc. But science does not seem to be as important as it should be. Now people understand that there is no alternative without science. Every one know that the science is a great career field, this is also a good education field, that's all there is to it. Still, we can say that ' Science is the one of the army of our country '. What is this nonsense....... How is that........ So let to prove this sentence, with evidence.... At first I would like to say that, we can't imagine the world without Science, because Science has given us ...

Vaccine and immunity power of human.

Vaccine and immunity power of our body.

Currently were all talking about corona virus and there vaccine. Everyone is waiting for the corona vaccine. Scientists of all countries are working hard on this. Let's hope the vaccine against the corona virus is ready soon.

Some peoples are first time familiar with the world VACCINE and some people hear the word vaccine but do not know the exact  meaning of Vaccine.
But don't worry, In this article we cover some basics of vaccines and immunity.

  • What is vaccine?
  • History of vaccine.
  • What is immunology?
  • What is immunity power?
  • Basic function of immune system.
  • Working of vaccine. 
  • Types of vaccine.
  • Difference between vaccine and medicine.

All about this are basic concepts of immunology. 

It is important to know briefly what the basic functions of immune system, immunology and immune system are before we begin to understand what a vaccine is.
Let's start with the point what is immunology?

What is immunology ?

"Immunology is the branch of science that's deals with the study of immunity and immune systems of all organisms".
It is very useful branch for medical and Biology. 
The study of structure and function of immune system is called as basic immunology

What is immunity power of human body?

"It is the general ability of a body to recognise, neutralize or destroy and eliminate foreign substances."

If a persons immune system kills virus, bacteria and any disease causing pathogens as soon as it enters in the body, then this type of immune system is considered as strong immunity power.

If a person's immune system is slow to respond to microorganisms that causes diseases, then the disease enter the human body and cause infections after the immune system has functioned, this type of immune system consider as weak immune power. 

Basic functions of immune system.

The human immune system consists of lymphoid organs, tissue, cells and molecules like antibodies

Immune system consists of three types of line or protection layer.
1) first line of defence.
2) second line of defence.
3) third line of defence.

First line of defence means the outer most protective system of body. It consists of skin, tears, mucus,  cilia ....etc.

Second line of defence of defence is unpredictable resistance that destroy invaders in normal way without targeting specific individuals. Example is phagocytic cells, white blood cells.

Third line of defence is specific resistance that target on specific individuals foreign substance and destroyed them. Most of antigen act as stimuli to trigger immune response.

The most peculiar characteristics of immune system are, 
1) It can differentiate between self and non-self partical. 
2) It possesses immunological memory.

Any foreign substance invading body and capable of stimulating an immune response is called an antigen.
The protective chemical produced by immune cells in response to antigens are called antibodies.
Immune system is a complex system including cellular and molecular components which provide defence against infectious agents.

Types of immunity.
Immunity is classified into two basic types 
1) Innate immunity.
2) Acquired immunity.
(this point is very deep and long, this point explains in next article.) 

Vaccine and immunity power of our body

What is vaccine ? 

"A substance which stimulates the production of antibodies and provide the immunity against the particular disease causing agent is known as Vaccine."

Since, the advancement of science, vaccine have been used to control many disease.

Vaccines have been developed against most diseases. 
  1. Polio vaccine used against Polio Virus.(Polio Virus is causative agent of poliomyelitis.)
  2. Influenza vaccine used against Influenza virus. (Influenza virus is causative agent of influenza.)
  3. Rabies vaccine used against Rabies virus.
However, Scientists have not been able to develop vaccine against some disease.
  1. HIV is retro virus this virus is responsible for AIDS.(the vaccine has not yet been released against HIV virus.) 
  2. Dengue. 
  3. Malaria.

History of vaccine. 

Cowpox disease caused by cowpox virus (family: Poxviridae). First vaccine devloped for this disease, against cowpox virus.
The host of cowpox virus is rodents, and spread to animals and humans. Mostly this virus spread to humans via contact with infected cows.
In 1796, Edward Jenner's first used a portion of the Cowpox virus to defeat the virus and it was successful.
First vaccine against cowpox was invented by Edward Jenner's.
The word 'vaccine' is derived from the Latin word 'Vaccinus', vaccinus word meaning is 'related to cows', and the term 'Vacca' means Cow, also the mild cowpox virus gave immunity against smallpox virus, that is way a mild virus that boosts immunity power is known as 'vaccine'. 
In 1885, Louis Pasteur parform an experiment and tested his first human vaccine. Pasture produce rabies vaccine.
The mid 20th century was an active and progressive time for vaccine research and development. 

Let's we back to the main point we clear, What is vaccine ????? 
So the next point is , how is the vaccine work.?

The function of vaccine 

Edward Jenner's inject material from a cowpox virus into human, for protection from smallpox virus and it was successful. This becomes first ever vaccine.
The basic function of immune system is that when foreign microbes inter the human body, the body's immune system responds.
These foreign microbes stimulate and activities immune system  and recognises non-self-contained material, destroy them and remove out side of the body.
At this time body sowing some symptoms like coughing, sneezing, inflammation, fever.

Third line of defence plays an important role in vaccine function. Third line of defence consists of B cells (bone marrow cells) and T cells (thymus cells), are the major part of adaptive immune system.

When a vaccine (virus material) is injected into the body, at that moment immune system recognise the invading virus. Vaccine stimulates the immune system, adaptive immune system responds to this attack by activating of B cells and T cells, these cells are kill this invader and Store some memories cells. Memory cells protect against the further attack by the virus, which helps boosts immunity power. 

Vaccines are the best immunity booster, it gives best and long time protection against disease.

Type of vaccine

Depending on the method of prepration; There are four types of vaccine : 
1) live-attenuated vaccine. 
2) inactivated vaccine.
3) conjugate vaccine.
4) toxoid vaccine.

These are four types of vaccine. 
We will briefly learn about his method, action and some examples, 
Let's start with first type,

1] Live-attenuated vaccine- attenuated means weakened. The vaccine is made by using disease causing organisms but organisms are in the form of weakened.
Live attenuated vaccine is prepared by using whole, live weakened organisms. The virus, bacteria or pathogens are used in preparation of this vaccines are weakened by using the chemical treatment, due to which organisms loss their disease causing ability but antigenic.
This inject into human body the antigen of weakened organisms stimulate the immunity power of human for production of antibodies against this antigenic organisms. Immunity power kill them and store memory cells, this memory cells are prevent from the further attack of this disease causing organisms. Live attenuated type of vaccine is very long time effective and it's generate strong immune response agents the pathogens.

Examples of Live attenuated vaccine:- Plague vaccine, yellow fever vaccine, typhoid orl, BCG..... etc

2] Inactivated vaccine- the vaccine is made by using killed or inactive form of virus. 
The disease causing organisms are killed or inactive by using physical factor like heat or chemical due to this organisms are inactive but remains antigenic.
Inactivated vaccine are consistent of whole virus, bacteria or pathogens but inactivated form.
 This vaccines are less effective than live-attenuated vaccine, because it do not provide strong immunity means it's provides short time immunity against the virus, bacteria or disease causing organisms. 
Examples of inactivated vaccine :- 
Typhoid vaccine, cholera vaccine, rabies vaccine....etc.

3] Conjugate vaccine, recombinant vaccines, subunit, polysaccharide -

Conjugate vaccine is formed by the reversible combination of two antigens, in which one antigen is weak and other is strong. Mostly the weak antigen is a polysaccharide that is attached to strong protein antigen. Some time immunity power does not respond to weak antigenic organisms at that time conjugate method of vaccine is used, due to which weak antigen binding with strong antigen and inject into human body this results the strong antigen is induced to immunity power for producing antibodies this antibodies are also give strong response against the weak antigen. 
This type of vaccines are most effective for under the two years of age of childrens but less effective for young or above two years age of children.

subunit, polysaccharide -
in this type of vaccines, a typical part or pieces of disease causing organisms are used for prepration of vaccine Like cell wall, capsule, polysaccharide, protein part of virus, bacteria or pathogens.
Recombinant vaccines are similar with the conjugate vaccine. In the polysaccharide vaccine, polysaccharide part of vaccine is used.

Examples of conjugate vaccine, recombinant vaccines and polysaccharide vaccine :- Hepatitis B vaccine, pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine...etc 

Toxoid vaccine :- bacteria or disease causing organisms produced some poisonous chemical substances within a cells is known as toxins, by using this toxins vaccines are produced is known as toxoid vaccine.
In this type of vaccine, toxins are used by detoxifying the exotoxins of bacteria this toxins are not producing disease but still antigenic.
Toxoid vaccines are useful, only against the toxins producing disease causing organisms. The toxoid inject into human body they stimulate the body immunity power for producing antibodies, this antibodies realise some chemicals which neutralize this toxoid.  
Examples of toxoid vaccine- diphtheria, tetanus

Difference between vaccine and medicine

Difference between vaccine and medicine


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