⚔️🔬 Science 🔬⚔️ The importance of science is well known today. Science is not just limited branch, it is very wide branch and extend study of the basics of science makes a new branch of science. For example, Biology is branch in which the study of living being occurred, Chemistry the study of chemical, Microbiology the study of microorganisms, cell biology the study of all types of cell....etc....etc. But science does not seem to be as important as it should be. Now people understand that there is no alternative without science. Every one know that the science is a great career field, this is also a good education field, that's all there is to it. Still, we can say that ' Science is the one of the army of our country '. What is this nonsense....... How is that........ So let to prove this sentence, with evidence.... At first I would like to say that, we can't imagine the world without Science, because Science has given us ...
⚔️🔬 Science 🔬⚔️
The importance of science is well known today. Science is not just limited branch, it is very wide branch and extend study of the basics of science makes a new branch of science. For example, Biology is branch in which the study of living being occurred,
Chemistry the study of chemical, Microbiology the study of microorganisms, cell biology the study of all types of cell....etc....etc.
But science does not seem to be as important as it should be. Now people understand that there is no alternative without science.
Every one know that the science is a great career field, this is also a good education field, that's all there is to it. Still, we can say that 'Science is the one of the army of our country'.
What is this nonsense.......
How is that........
So let to prove this sentence, with evidence....
At first I would like to say that, we can't imagine the world without Science, because Science has given us so much and is still giving.
Let's start,
We know, in the world very large number of microorganisms are present. Some of this produces infection and due to which causes diseases. The proper and scientific use of this organisms can create the powerful weapon. fungi, viruses, bacteria are the microorganisms are infectious agents.
We discuss about the viruses , cell plant cell, animal cell. We know the microorganisms like viruses must want the host body for complete their life cycle. Similarly most of the infectious agents need the host body.
The Biological warfare, it's started with the progress of the science.
What is the meaning of biological warfare ?
"The war in which use of toxic, infectious microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and fungi as weapons to impact the living beings and kill them is called as biological warfare".The various types of microorganisms are present in the world which kill the human, animals and other living beings.
First biological weapon is used in the World War 1 (1914-1918), German scientists developed some disease causing bacteria, it consists of anthrax, glanders, cholera and wheat fungus. German army spread this bacteria in some cities of French.
In World War 2, Japanese developed infectious fleas. This fleas was planted in the Chinese cities. japan used plague and cholera producing bacteria against china.
In the world war first and second, larger amount of peoples are kill due to this biological weapon. The situation is out of control, numerous people were killed.
These biological agents were attacking on people before anyone knew. Without the use of ammunition.
We can stop the visible attack of enemy and we can anti-attack on the enemy. But we can't stop or can't oppose the enemy invisible attack or biological weapons attack.
After the world war scientists study on this biological agents and find the vaccine against the disease spread through the him for protection of humans.
At the time the progress and research in Science save the lives of many people, and the fact that we are being protected from a lots of disease today is only possible because advances in Science.
Today all countries fighting a big battle against the invisible enemy is known as Corona virus, we are on the verge of winning this battle, but it has been made possible by science and research.
Navy guardian the sea, Army guardian the land and the air force us protecting from the air similarly I would say that 'the science protect you from biological warfare'.
Science is one of the army of the country against the biological warfare, and the scientists are the soldiers of our science army.
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Science world
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