Physics and Energetics Skip to main content


Science: one of the army of our country

⚔️🔬 Science 🔬⚔️         The importance of science is well known today. Science is not just limited branch, it is very wide branch and extend study of the basics of science makes a new branch of science. For example, Biology is branch in which the study of living being occurred,  Chemistry the study of chemical, Microbiology the study of microorganisms, cell biology the study of all types of cell....etc....etc. But science does not seem to be as important as it should be. Now people understand that there is no alternative without science. Every one know that the science is a great career field, this is also a good education field, that's all there is to it. Still, we can say that ' Science is the one of the army of our country '. What is this nonsense....... How is that........ So let to prove this sentence, with evidence.... At first I would like to say that, we can't imagine the world without Science, because Science has given us ...

Physics and Energetics

Work, energy and power are the basic and important concept of Physics. In short physics is incomplete without the terms Work , Energy and Power.

Work, Energy and Power are interconnected properties because in simple language Enargy means 'the ability to do Work.'
We known about this concept from the 8th or 9th class. 
Work, energy and power are the basic concepts of physics but this are very important and intrasting concept. 
Work means effort, parform, function ....
Energy means spirit, power.
Energy ~ Work ~ Power 

Energy is everywhere around us but we can't see this, only we can feel the energy in different forms. 
Examples :- in kitchen for cooking food we use heat is nothing but one of the form of energy is known as heat energy. Similarly for car driving, jumping, in festival we use cracker , all have electricity in our home is also type of energy....etc 
Energy is available in various forms or formats in the nature.
First we start with the main domain of physics for study of energy is .......

Physics and Energetics

Energetics :-
"The branch of physics that deals with the study of energy and it's forms is known as Energetics."

Energy is the property which can be change into various forms like light, heat, electricity....etc

We know about the energy but some basics like discovery, laws , and other basic concepts related to Energy we cleared in this article.
First we start with the word Energy, what is meaning of word 'Energy' ?, where did the word come from ? 
So you may not know but most of the words in Science are in Greek or Latin.
In the Science all words give the right meaning or information about themselves. This is the mystery of science. but some peoples don't know Latin or Greek language so it is little difficult for understand.

Let's start with the 
History of Word Energy.
The word 'Energy' is comes from the Greek word ' enérgeia '. 
In the English, enérgeia means being at work
The English term energy give it's definition meaning the quantitative property that must transfer to an object to perform work means the ability to do work .
In the end of 17th century, first time the word energy was used as ' Power '.
The Scientists Thomas Young was first introduced the term Energy to the world.

What is energy ?
We know , energy means the ability to do work.
 Next question will be arise in your mind, what is Work..?

What is work ? 
If force act on any object or body then the body showing some displacement against the force is considered as a Work done.
The ability of this object or body to do work is known as Energy.
The unit of work and energy are the same , 
In SI = Joule ; in CGS = erg

What is power ?
The rate at which work is done quickly or slowly is expressed in terms of power.
The rate of doing work or working is known as Power.

Formula of power is ;

         Power = work / time 

                [  P = w / t  ]
( P = power, w= work, t= time )

Type of energy.
Verious types of energy are potantial energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy, heat energy, light energy, electrical energy.
Various forms of energy are available due to the property of energy because the energy is the only physical property that is converted into other types of energy.

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can concerted in other forms but energy can neither created nor destroyed.

Law of conservation of energy.
  1. Energy can neither created nor destroyed.
  2. Energy can convert into one form to other' form of energy.
  3. However the energy of the universe is always renewable.
Energy available in various forms and can convert into verious types like heat, sound, light, physical, chemical .....etc this point we cover above.....
In which physical energy are two types
1) Kinetic energy.               2) Potantial energy.

Let's start with point kinetic energy.

1) Kinetic energy :- 
Kinetic energy of body which possesses by the relative motion of body.
If a body move on the any direction then body is considered as in motion here the body possess some energy is Known as kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy = work 

                [ K.E. = F × s  ]
(Here, F= force & s= displacement)

This is the formula of kinetic energy.

Some examples of kinetic energy,
  1. Cricket ball through on the stump.
  2. Carrom striker hit the pieces.
In example we noticed that, the body gain energy after we acting some energy on it, and this energy gain by body and move towards this is kinetic energy.

2) Potantial energy :- 
The energy is form due to the perticular position or place which stored in the body is known as Potantial energy.

Formula :-
Potantial energy = work 
             P.E. = F × s 

         [  P.E. = mg × h  ]
(Here, s ~ h ; and f= m g)

This is the formula of Potantial energy.

 Some examples of Potantial energy,
  1.  Push the spring and rapidly the force on it remove, spring jump out.
  2.  In Archery, we pulled the bow and at perticular position we left our hand from bow then arrow rapidly move towards the front side.
In example we noticed that, 
We apply some force on the body like pulled, pushed body stored this force or applied energy in the form of Potantial, after removal of force Potantial energy came out through the body.

In article we cleared some basic point of physics which related to the Energetic.
Energy, power, work this are concept are very intresting because Energy is only physical property that can be converted into various other forms, but this can not be destroy.
We produce energy, converted into verious forms but we can't destroy the energy.
Is this very intresting part of the physics.
Kinetic energy and Potantial energy this are two types of physical energy, this are also important point, because in every day life we used verious types of physical energy but we don't know about it, this all basic concepts of energy we cleared in this article.
Let's go to the last point ..............

Free fall :- 
 When an object is lifted to a height, it is pulled towards the earth by the force of gravity on that object.

"The action of an object released from a height coming down only by the force of gravity is called Free fall." 

Gravity, gravitation force is present all over the earth but it's changes from one pole to the other pole of earth. This concept is introduced by Sir Newton and they have explained some rules we know as Newtons law of gravitation.

When an object is free-fall some energy act on it, due to the external force object move then kinetic energy is act on object that we saw in Kinetic energy but object at perticular height has own stored energy we consider this is Potantial energy of body or object.
Hence in free falling body or object both the physical energies are takes place.
At time of free falling Potantial energy and kinetic energy of body is changes at certain distances.

When any object is at a height, it has potential energy. This object falls down potantial energy converted into kinetic energy, at time of free fall or falling full potential energy was convert into kinetic energy. But any case total energy is equal to the Potantial energy at altitude.
T.E. = P.E. + K.E. 

At point A, 
T.E. = mgh + 0 = mgh

At point B,
T.E. = mgx + mg (h-x) = mgh

At point C,
T.E. = 0 + mgh = mgh

In this article we cleared some basic concepts related to work , energy and power. All this are basic concepts but important for study of physics and Energetics. 
Energy, work and power this physical properties are depending upon each other.
In simple words 

" Work is done by energy; Energy means the ability to do work and the rate of doing work is considered Power. "

Science world 


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