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Science: one of the army of our country

⚔️🔬 Science 🔬⚔️         The importance of science is well known today. Science is not just limited branch, it is very wide branch and extend study of the basics of science makes a new branch of science. For example, Biology is branch in which the study of living being occurred,  Chemistry the study of chemical, Microbiology the study of microorganisms, cell biology the study of all types of cell....etc....etc. But science does not seem to be as important as it should be. Now people understand that there is no alternative without science. Every one know that the science is a great career field, this is also a good education field, that's all there is to it. Still, we can say that ' Science is the one of the army of our country '. What is this nonsense....... How is that........ So let to prove this sentence, with evidence.... At first I would like to say that, we can't imagine the world without Science, because Science has given us so much

Type Of Cell

🎀 Type Of Cell 🎀

In past some articles are on cell theory, what is cell..? And other cell related concept we read. 
all cells are same but the chemical structure and shape of cells are different in different organisms. The organization of the organizams depends upon the cell, because cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.

*There are Two Types of Cell ÷

  1. Prokaryotic Cell.
  2. Eukaryotic Cell. 

*Living organisms are grouped into two main categories, the Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes.

  • The Prokaryotes have simple cellular organization.
  • The Eukaryotes exhibit high degree of organization.

  1. Prokaryotic Cell  
Definition of Prokaryotic Cell-

Pro means Primitive and Karyot means Nucleus.
In simple words , the cell do not have well developed Nucleus is called Prokaryotic Cell.

Structure of Prokaryotic Cell-

The Prokaryotic Cell do not have True nucleus.  nuclear material is not bound by a definite nuclear membrane. the Prokaryotic Cell shows÷

  • Cell envelope consists of three basic layers namely Glycocalyx, Cell wall and Cell membrane.
  • Cytoplasm is semi-fluid substance present inner to the cell membrane.it contains Mesosomes, Chromatophores, Inclusion Bodies.
  • Ribosomes are made up of RNA and Protein.the Prokaryotic ribosomes are 70s type.
  • Genetic Material  (Nucleoid) the prokaryote do not have membrane-bound nucleus.Genetic Material consists of long, double stranded, circular DNA .
  • Plasmids the extra chromosomal DNA called Plasmid.

Diagram of Prokaryotic Cell-

Diagram of Prokaryotic cell

Example of Prokaryotic Cell- Bacterial cell , Archaeal Cell,single cell organisms like yeast, paramecia and amoebae.

  1. Eukaryotic cell-

Defination of Eukaryotic cell -

The cell have well developed nucleus is called Eukaryotic cell.

Structure of Eukaryotic cell - 

 The Eukaryotic cell have True nucleus. The nuclear material is bound by a definite nuclear membrane. the Eukaryotic Cell shows÷

  • Cell wall is the protective semi-transparent covering out side the cell membrane. It is thick , strong, rigid .
  • Plasma membrane it is the semi-permeable membrane.the cell surrounded by a plasma membrane.
  • Cytoplasm is known as Cytosol. It's consist of jelly like colloidal , ground substance called cytoplasmic matrix.
  • Mitochondria are double membrane bound organelles.
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum is found in all eukaryotes it's absent in prokaryotes.
  • Golgi Apparatus they synthesize complex carbohydrates from simple sugar.
  • Plastids ,Lysosomes ,Ribosomes.

Diagram of Eukaryotic Cell-

Diagram of Eukaryotic Cell

Example of Eukaryotic Cell- 
Multicellular organisms like plant and animals.

*Science world*


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